Varoufakis scarves

Save us Scarf Man.

The fate of world markets rests on the many scarves of Greece Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis. Tied, open, loose, plaid, solid — what does it mean for stocks?

 Which one will impress world leaders the most? Will it help get Greece get the deal they need? If Lenny Kravitz, Brad Pitt can rock the scarf, so can Varoufakis.  Here’s how he’s doing thus far:

 All wrapped up – smiling yet guarded. This is telling the world Greece is not ready for a deal.

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Again, his scarf in a tight not. He’s not ready to bend. It’s their way or off the cliff via the 300 for world markets.

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Smiling, scarf open, and plaid pattern. This means he’s ready to play ball. It’s not a solid pattern thus not a solid “no”. The plaid says “let’s work together, there are many in’s and out’s to consider”. The red color says I’m the man in charge so back up dudes. 

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Look how Rico Suave I look and I do shake hands. Notice how my scarf is open. Don’t I look lovely. Yes I do thank you.

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Dude, seriously?  This scarf and face say “I’m batshit crazy. F’ the police and F’ the euro’.


 Let’s hope for the world and our bank accounts the plaid red scarf saves the day.

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